Banyak dari kita yang sekarang ini hanya begitu saja menjalani kehidupan. Kita tidak tahu ke mana kita akan pergi; kita bahkan tidak tahu apa saja yang kita inginkan dari kehidupan. Kita melakukan hal2 yang sama setiap hari, kita lupa bahwa kita ini unik. Konon ada ratusan juta orang di negara anda sekarang ini, bayangkan saja, dari ratusan juta orang itu tidak ada satu pun yang tepat sama seperti anda! mengapa, di antara miliaran orang yang mendiami bumi, tidak ada orang lain yang seperti anda.
Anda harus menetapkan tujuan. Bisa berupa tujuan material atau tujuan spritual-tetapi anda harus menetapkan tujuan , dan setiap hari, anda harus bekerja untuk meraih tujuan itu!
Kita sekedar bergerak; kita sekedar terkatung-katung. Tetapi jika ingin sukses, kita harus menetapkan tujuan!
Kita harus mampu menggambarkan tujuan kita dengan jelas. Kita sebaliknya memantapkannya dalam imajinasi kita. Dan kita harus mempunyai fokus yang teguh pada tujuan sepanjang waktu.
Tetapkan sebuah tujuan, dan berfokuslah dengan teguh pada tujuan itu sepanjang waktu!!!
(pemenang menetapkan tujuan, sedangkan pecundang membuat alasan
(Motivasi oleh J.P Vaswani)
(Definisi by Kishore C.S. (August 2000)
This is the basic message that was conveyed by Swami Vivekananda. Though it is a simple sentence, this conveys a lot of meaning. The following is my personal interpretation of the same after reading more of spiritual speeches and attending lectures.
ARISE: Do not sit idle. Get up. Get into action. Don't waste your life in sitting idle and doing things that waste years and takes one away from GOAL. Give up laziness and be filled with an energy to get into action. Always be filled with a positive energy that lets you stay focused and be in action.
AWAKE: Awakening does not mean just getting up from sleep. Here Awakening means the mental realization about one's state. Awakening comes when one realizes that one is sleeping. Realize one's current state and realize where one needs to go is the mental awakening that is needed for an individual.
GOAL: Having goal is the first step towards realizing the same. One of the most difficult things in life is become aware of one's goals. Goal is not petty desires that one attempts to achieve. A higher goal that sets an individual very determined to achieve, which focuses energy of an individual. The goal should be very clear in one's mind. Reaching the goal should be the only purpose for which the individual lives the life. Mere thought about the goal motivates the individual to do anything. Character of the individual is developed and motivated by the GOAL.
STOP NOT TILL THE GOAL IS REACHED: Once the GOAL is clear in mind, work with unwavering concentration and determination towards achieving the goal. Do not flinch from path that leads to the ultimate GOAL. Have only one aim day in and day out to reach the goal.
In summary, the sentence upon reflection gives a very strong message to every individual to become aware one's true nature of achieving their ultimate goal of life.
Many times during the day, I am reminded of this single sentence which fills me with an energy to stay positive and keep working without getting de-motivated. Working towards one's goals with dedication is what makes the life fulfilling.
The above is my personal interpretation that I thought would share with everyone. This sentence taken from one of the eight Upanishads and used a motto is worth reflection whenever one find's time. I have been thinking for quite some time to share my views with everyone and I realized one such goal today.
Do give your comments on my interpretation and views by sending mail to me
Jumat, 25 Desember 2009
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