Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

Graduation ceremony...

two years ago...when i pass an examination to join a post graduate program in master of coastal engineering in 10 th november institut of technology Surabaya...i had no idea how can i pass this study n get the tittle...even before when i pass in front of the graha ITS ( is building which usually be used for post graduate ceremony) i ask my self and feel a little hesitate...could i entering this building...but fortunately ( i didnt expect more before) finally now 2 th october 2010 i finish my study and being ratified as a master of coastal engineering in 10th november institut of technology surabaya...i just want to become i can pass this difficult test withous some help from my loved friends...i hope u all can succesfull during this life...and we can together follow or run this life with a newly set of mind....can step higher than before...can see farther than before...can think longer than before....i wish i could more confident than before....finally thx friend...hope this meet be immortal...

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