Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

'Suramadu' the plans almost fail....

this afternoon i used my spare time to visit the biggest n the longest bridge in Indonesia...Surabaya Madura Bridge or as well known as Suramadu. The journey started at 5 pm...so i can see the interesting view while the sun sets in the west. Since this bridge finished built at 2008 this was my first visit, while trying to pass this bridge to Bangkalan in Madura side, the air was so clear, and the scenery was so good and it only takes 20 minutes to arrive in Madura Side. The journey began bad while i reach the madura side, the road lamps all off, when the night was coming, the dark side of road very uncomfortable and very dangerous. Along 5-7 km along the road, the road was so dark, and there are'nt gas station or neither business activity nor tyre and machine reparation along the road. This dark side of Madura Side of Suramadu make me conclude that the development of this bridge and the area surrounding it almost fails. Read More......

Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

The three most important things in my life...

Yesterday when i was think about my purpose in this life before i got to slep, i had set some rules in my life....the rules is something that u have to obedient and make it as the paradigm of ur life...
the rule number one is being fully aware and carefull always....the rule number two is working hard is same important like ur breath, the rule number three is dont ever to wake up more at 5 am in the morning....!! Read More......

Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010


everyone would exactly die...it's all only about the time...the most important thing is something useful that u can fill in this world as long as u still alive....thats love...love can force u to work...love can force u to sacrifice...work and sacrifice to whom u love...if u love ur husband or ur wife you are working for him or her...if u love ur children you work and even sacrifice for ur children...more expand ur love dedicated to...u are working harder than before....what if i become the love itself...?
u work and sacrifice without attachment...hopeless...never expected will be rewarded...because love is love....love is substance...loving is nature.....i love u...all of u....the tree...animals, human...all of u...the universe.... Read More......

Never Forget Love...

i know this girl since i was in junior high school...her long black straight hair...her laugh...good looking hair...and white teeth....really-really grab my soul...she is my first true love, and will forever be my true love....
i was remember every time i take a bath im only singing about her....the song is 'aku jatuh cinta' by base jam... i dont know why i feel like that...since that i had been kept her face within my heart...i always remembering her....maybe she is my true love, and can be my soul mate too...who knows..?
But im the man who never expect from another person...let along the live flow by itself...i she is trully my soul mate...thx God, if she wasnt thx God too....
but one that i believe...she is progress me....she has a same 'sense' with me.....she loves me too...i can feel it...i can smell it....but please darling waiting to me....i only want to prove my love to u after all of this finish...i want to take a job first....after that i want to looking for u...u are my beib...
im always waiting for u.... Read More......

Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

waiting for my counsciousness to come....

the next 24 hours, the next 365 days i've been wondering where i should be live...where i supposed to observed...yesterday i had made a great decision of my life...i had made some hierarchy about what i should really pursue about during this life... that's hierarchy only consist of two number...hierarchy number one and two...number one is counsciousness...that's (based on me) the most important things in life....number two is working....
Counsciousnees means what are u doing now...counsciouness means what are u reading, n what are u hearing now...with a full major of concentrate of being now...counsciousness is when u aware that u and universe as one...not separating....universe like other people u know and not know, tree, animal, bacterial etc....counsciouness means easy and difficult at once...
the next important thing of my life is working...."Work hard is Worship" working is needs...u live in this world to work...that's why u born with two arms and two length...to give more life to working and working despite speaking, seeing and listening...
i must concentrate....humans bad habit is always forget....thats why using the present moment to purify your mind is one of the secret things....present moment is the most important thing in ur life...that counsciousness.... Read More......

Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

if i become...

if i become (jika aku menjadi...) this day i feel like a labor...hahaha.......with my friends felix n ari...i try to move my big luggage on my last boarding house move it to my village....i rent a pick up car 125ooo idr, to help move my luggage. Despite my luggage i move adit's luggage too....feel so interested this my countdown to back...after 5 years in malang, and 2 years in surabaya...it's hard to believe....my own luggage just a small box which contain book and clothes, but adit's board out 6 very heavy big box...waaww....its so nice to lifting it with my friend...all sports and sweat...haha.......
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Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

feeling sad...

i cant focus at this moment....
do no stop to expect...
that might u reach...
i want to sleep forever...
i boring with this life...
too much inner conflict...
despite outer too...
i cant control my mind....
i cant control my attitude...
please help mee...
somebody out there...
can u reach me...
im here n supposed to be near of death...
now im dying....an agony life....
i miss u...u are my true lover.... Read More......

Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

Happy todays and will happy tommorow....

my friend ever asked me...why i looked always happy in my daily life...and i ask again why not...? happy is my rights...if you think this life is a choices...i choice sad out from my daily life...whatever the condition i forced my life to be happier than before...happy is something you can feel not only ucan seen....feel happines not like look happines...i feel happines although i hungry with someone else or do something that makes my forehead wrinkles....happines is not like that...happines is something u can feel no matter what happens near or outside you....happines is multiple choises beneath ur natural state....

Happiness is our natural state. Happiness is the natural state of little children, to whom the kingdom belongs until they have been polluted and contaminated by the stupidity of society and culture. To acquire happiness you don't have to do anything, because happiness cannot be acquired. Does anybody know why? Because we have it already. How can you acquire what you already have? Then why don't you experience it? Because you've got to drop something. You've got to drop illusions. You don't have to add anything in order to be happy; you've got to drop something. Life is easy, life is delightful. It's only hard on your illusions, your ambitions, your greed, your cravings. Do you know where these things come from? From having identified with all kinds of labels!
(Anthony de mello)

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this pure energy used to tap my needs...

after graduation i have to begin my first step with some fixed direction...first goal is get a job...whole of my conscius energy directed to get this goal....since long ago i have a habit to use my whole energy to setting and reach my own goal, own obsession...that already proven since long ago...
i need some extra time some extra energy if i do not use my counscious energy to get my obsession, wasting energy directed to some useless something is not my principality on this life...energy is everything...as u might knows this world and universe is the big pool of energy, what do you think and what do you feel unite in this big pool of universe energy. based on their natural characteristic, energy only pull other energy which has some character with it....so you just be aware and carefull always with ur energy....direct it...and use it for useful manner....God Luck friends.... Read More......

Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

Graduation ceremony...

two years ago...when i pass an examination to join a post graduate program in master of coastal engineering in 10 th november institut of technology Surabaya...i had no idea how can i pass this study n get the tittle...even before when i pass in front of the graha ITS ( is building which usually be used for post graduate ceremony) i ask my self and feel a little hesitate...could i entering this building...but fortunately ( i didnt expect more before) finally now 2 th october 2010 i finish my study and being ratified as a master of coastal engineering in 10th november institut of technology surabaya...i just want to say....how become i can pass this difficult test withous some help from my loved friends...i hope u all can succesfull during this life...and we can together follow or run this life with a newly set of mind....can step higher than before...can see farther than before...can think longer than before....i wish i could more confident than before....finally thx friend...hope this meet be immortal... Read More......