By : Anand Krishna
Everyone speaks of detachment. You go to any Guru, any master, and he will ask you to detach yourself. Detach yourself from your families, your homes and your people. This, they tell you, is the way to self realization.
And, you are so stupid, under some kind of hypnotic spell, that you dare not aks them why ?you have a beautiful wife, loving. You have nice kids. You have a beautiful house and a good car to drive. And, all these you have earned by working hard. And, now you are told to detach yourself from them. Why...?
Just consider this: these gurus, these self proclaimed messiahs who tell you to detach yourself, to lead a simple life : Look at their life styles, the can have a fleet of rolls royce. They can fly first class, or even charter a flight. They can live in luxury. But, no, you cannot do that. You must live in simplicity. Why this double standart ?
Let me give you the answers : These gurus of yours are jealous of your prosperity. They are hypocrites. They tell you to detach yourself. They tell you that an elephant can pass through this small lane that leads to the mansion of the Lord, but you cannot. Why ?Because you are rich. So, you must donate all that you have to the church, to the institution. They say, make yourself beggars, only then you can walk down this narrrow lane. it does not turn me on. Denying your self this world, just to walk down this narrow lane.. how stupid! believe me, you will only find elephants and camels and dinosaurs there. If you are lucky, you may even meet your priest, your guru, your master there. But such a heaven doesnt turn me on, First of all, how can their institutions, so rich indeed, enter or walk down those narrow lanes?
They tell you to detach yourself, yet they are so attached to their own institutions. Look at them the number of their followers must grow. Why..? Because their births are prophesied in the scriptures, foretold. What is happening to you? why are you so dumb? whatever they do, they do it for the sake of the world. Whatever you do, you remain a sinner. What is wrong with you? you take all this crap from them.
I ask you not to follow them. Do not follow any guru. None of them is going to help you. No-one will lead you to heaven. No-one can guarantee liberation for you. you must walk alone, walk on your own. Stand on your own two feet. Don't mind these gurus. They have poisoned your lives enough.
I ask you to enjoy life, to accept whatever comes in your way. If you are poor, without money, then that is your destiny. Can you do anything about it? can you change it? if yes, by all means do that. If not, then you might as well enjoy it.
No one is going to appreciate your tears here. Your tears are too precious. Hold them, don't cry. Go out and enjoy the sunshine; don't lock yourself in rooms with no ventilation.
If you are rich, then you have all the reasons to celebrate. Celebrates life. Turn your life into unending festivities.
Buy yourself a new car that is good, okay. what is wrong with that? but when you are going home from the show room, driving your new car, if you must park it on your way home, then park it fearlessly. A car is after all but a car. Be cautious, don't be a reckless driver. but, don't be fearful. Dont caress your car as if you are caressing a girl. Dont come back to the parking lot and spend 10 minutes unnecessarily going around the car, checking if someone has scratched it. Dont be so tense driving your new car. Havent you been driving all your life? take it easy. Take life easy. Otherwise you will be making your life miserable.
If you deny the world and accept God, it will be no solution. Denying matter and accepting spirit is no way out. Denial or rejection is like a monster. First you give rise to monster denial, then you kill it to embrace price acceptance. This is crazy. Dont create monsters. Be fearless, only then can you accept without further reservation.
it will be a total acceptance. Such an acceptance will have a flavor of detachment in it. Then you dont have to detach yourself; it will come to you effortlessly naturally.
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